Custom Herbal Formula (Tincture, Tea, Salve or Glycerite)

Custom Herbal Formula (Tincture, Tea, Salve or Glycerite)


This listing is for a 30-minute conversation with and personalized herbal formula by Olamina Botanicals founder Jess Turner.

Blended with the more than 150 herbs in Olamina Botanicals’ apothecary, your formula will be made with care to address what is showing up for you in this moment. Jess will custom-make the formula for you by hand, weaving intentions for your happiness into the medicine.

Your custom-formula can manifest in whichever form resonates most with you. In the past, Jess has made tinctures, tea blends, glycerites, liniments, sitz baths, medicine balls, salves, oxymels and more for her clients.

Some examples of past formulas have included:

Lung syrup, for cooling an inflamed respiratory system

Pain relief liniment

Digestive bitters, for stimulating sluggish digestion

Nerve calm formula, for soothing frayed nerves

Sore muscle rub

Mood lift formula, for raising the spirits

Healing broth (for a local client)

Immune elixir

Digestion-supporting carminative winter tea blend

Heart elixir, for nourishing the heart through hard times

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